
Your complete guide for the influencer ecosystem

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Discover detailed analysis of thousands of influencers


2024 Q2 Report of
Turkish Influencer Market by

This report is based on a comprehensive analysis of Hyperiser database which we call the Hyperiser Universe. We aimed to reach both quantitative and qualitative insights using 2024 Q2 cumulative Instagram data.

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2024 Q2 of Turkish Influencer Market by
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2024 Q2 of Turkish Influencer Market by
Trend Spotter: #Hashtag Analysis

Learn the most frequently used hashtags and follow the trends closely.

Brandsync: Brand Affinity Report

Discover the most compatible influencers with your brand.

Rising Stars

Be the first to discover influencers whose performance is on the rise.

Sentiment Explorer

Find out your target audience's positive & negative comments about your campaign content.

Brand Performance

Discover your brand's performance on social media & the interests of your followers.

Sector Analysis

Get a comparative report of influencer communications in your industry.

Similar Influencers

Reach new influencers who are similar to the influencers you've already collaborated with.

Upscaled Cross Analysis

Access audience intersections and unique reach analysis of more than 10 influencers.

Explore Premium Features

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  • Comprehensive Influencer Data
  • Influencer Info
  • Follower Count
  • Detailed Demography
  • Label & Category Based Filtering
  • Reach & Engagement Score
  • Hyperscore
  • Instagram
  • 1 List
  • 1 User
  • 50 Reports Download


  • Comprehensive Influencer Data
  • Influencer Info
  • Follower Count
  • Detailed Demography
  • Label & Category Based Filtering
  • Reach & Engagement Score
  • Hyperscore
  • Sector Analysis or Competition & Cross Analysis
  • Instagram, Tiktok, Twitch, Youtube, Clubhouse, Podcast
  • 5 List
  • 1 User
  • 50 Reports Download
  • 7/24 Live Support


  • Everything in Starter
  • Advanced Influencer Marketing Analysis
  • Targeted Analysis
  • Competition Analysis
  • Post Analysis
  • Cross Analysis
  • Sector Analysis
  • Instagram, TikTok, Twitch, YouTube, Clubhouse
  • 10 List
  • 1 User
  • 100 Reports Download
  • 7/24 Live Support


  • Everything in Professional
  • Custom Dashboards
  • Brand Spesific Scores
  • Limitless Lists
  • Campaign Wizard
  • Custom Quarterly Insight Reports
  • Industry Benchmarks
  • Custom Content Sensitivity Filter
  • Up to 5 Users
  • Limitless Reports Download
  • 7/24 Live Support & Dedicated Team Member

Machine Learning Meets Human Intuition

We combine our knowledge in influencer marketing with machine learning and use the power of algorithms to find your effective target audience. We call it hybrid data analytics!

57K+ total influencers
16M+ posts
77M+ stories
in 2,759 brands
3,594 competition and
2,286 sector analyses completed
134,675 influencer details visit
3,426 campaign

Scalable & Data Driven Solution for Influencer Marketing

We've developed an innovative technology that makes the influencer marketing industry fair and transparent.

Hyperiser's goal is to help marketers create outstanding and effective influencer marketing campaigns using a data-driven approach.

Among thousands of influential people, which one can rise a hype for your brand?
Discover with Hyperiser! Your complete guide for the influencer ecosystem.

Hear it from our customers

burger king
johnson & johnson
x iletisim

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Trend Spotter: #Hashtag Analysis

View the most frequently used hashtags in influencer communications in your industry in the last 3 months,

Follow the trends and competition the closest!

  • Analyze the most frequently used hashtags in influencer communications in your industry in the last 3 months.
  • Find the most used hashtags across channels and content formats.
  • View the most frequently used hashtags and collaborated influencers for brands.

Rising Stars

View the influencer lists with the highest growth in Followers, Engagement Rate and Reach in the last 1 month,

Analyze target audience, content categories and performance!

  • Analyze influencers whose performance has recently increased according to reach, engagement and follower numbers.
  • View comparative reach and engagement analysis of influencers' video and photo content.
  • Access influencers' content categories and target audience demographic breakdown.
  • Compare the performance of influencers with the average performance of their content category.

Brand Performance

View the performance analysis of your brand's social media profiles and discover the brands and influencers your followers are interested in!

Monitor the number of followers and engagement performance of your brand's social media profiles and view historical performance analysis.

View other brands, influencers and celebrities that your brand's followers follow the most.

*Click image for preview

Similar Influencers

Find new influencers that are similar to the influencers you have collaborated with before!

View other influencers that are closest to the influencers you have worked with in your past collaborations in terms of target audience and content categories.

*Click image for preview

  • View current performance data of influencers.
  • Access influencers' content categories and audience demographics.
  • View influencers' content for the past 1 year and identify their collaborations with competing brands. Story content included!
Brandsync: Brand Affinity Report

View influencers' affinity with your brand,

Analyze target audience, content categories and performance!

  • Review the most compatible influencers with your brand within the scope of target audience demographic distribution and interests.
  • View influencers with posts related to the topics you have determined, and reach the influencers that are most compatible with your brand sensitivities.
  • View current performance data of influencers.

*Click image for preview

  • Access influencers' content categories and target audience demographic distribution.
  • Compare influencers' performance with the average performance of content categories.
  • View influencers' content for the past 1 year. Including Story content!
Sentiment Explorer

View comment analysis of your campaign content,

Categorize Positive, Negative and Neutral comments and analyze the words your target audience mentions most often in comments!

  • Categorize comments on your selected content as Positive, Negative and Neutral,
  • View the most frequently mentioned words in Positive, Negative and Neutral comments,
  • Categorize the comments on your selected content according to the areas you have identified.

Advanced Sector Analysis

View influencer communications in your industry on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual basis,

See how your brand and competitor brands compare, access estimated reach performance and budget analysis!

*Click image for preview

Instagram, Youtube, Tiktok platforms;

  • Examine the monthly distribution of collaborations realized by brands.
  • Access the reach analysis of collaborations specific to brands.
  • View the monthly distribution of unique influencers collaborated with brands.
  • Review the current follower count, reach and engagement performance of the influencers collaborated with for brands.
Upscaled Cross Analysis

View audience intersection analysis of more than 10 influencers,

Get estimated unique reach analysis of influencers!

*Click image for preview

Analyze the similarity rates of your selected influencers' followers based on demographic distribution and interests.

Access the unique reach analysis of your selected influencers!